Re: Implementing "download only new files" for import from camera

Henryk Plötz ha scritto:
> So here are the questions: Did I miss something?
No, it actually doesn't, but there's a request for that.
Store general exif tags -

> If not: would it be politically ok to just create a new table "import"
> or similar to jot down the aforementioned pieces of information (camera
> serial no, file name on camera, date taken) for all imported-from-camera
> files (maybe even connect the entries in that table to the
> corresponding entries in the photos table to be able to delete entries
> from the import table when the corresponding photo is removed from the
> catalog)?
Much better would be to create the table from the above exif tags, which
can then be used for searching.

> I'm also interested in reports on whether the two patches work with
> your camera and produce meaningful results for you.
i'll give it a try!

Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo milesi yetopen it

YetOpen S.r.l. - E. Filiberto, 74 23900 Lecco - ITALY -
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