Re: What does f-spot use to display raw files?

Il giorno lun, 15/12/2008 alle 00.19 +0530, Anand Joseph ha scritto:
> I am curious to know what f-spot uses to display raw files, more
> specifically Fujifilm's .raf. This is because I find the quality of
> the .raf files much better than what I get using the default
> dcraw/ufraw/Photoshop/s7raw settings. If it uses dcraw, I wonder what
> options it actually uses.

f-spot uses dcraw.
the options /I think/ it uses are in src/Imaging/DCRawFile.cs:103

string args = System.String.Format ("-h -w -c -t 0 \"{0}\"", path);

Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo milesi yetopen it

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