Crash on search


I am using the latest svn version of f-spot and since a few revisions I can't search anymore using the "/"-shortcut. The search field opens but at the moment F-Spot starts to search anything it crashes.


The backtrace:

Query: SELECT, photos.time, photos.uri, photos.description, photos.roll_id, photos.default_version_id FROM photos WHERE (((id IN (SELECT id FROM photos WHERE name LIKE '%Street%' OR directory_path LIKE '%Streest%' OR description LIKE '%Street%'))) AND id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2)) ORDER BY photos.time
Exception in Gtk# callback delegate
Note: Applications can use GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException to handle the exception.
Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteSyntaxException: no such column: directory_path
at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.GetNextStatement (IntPtr pzStart, System.IntPtr& pzTail, System.IntPtr& pStmt) [0x00000] at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean want_results, System.Int32& rows_affected) [0x00000] at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader (CommandBehavior behavior) [0x00000]
  at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand.ExecuteReader () [0x00000]
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand:ExecuteReader ()
  at Banshee.Database.QueuedSqliteCommand.Execute () [0x00000]
at GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(System.Exception e, Boolean is_terminal)
   at GLib.Timeout+TimeoutProxy.Handler()
   at GLib.Timeout+TimeoutProxy.Handler()
   at Gtk.Application.gtk_main()
   at Gtk.Application.gtk_main()
   at Gtk.Application.Run()
   at Gnome.Program.Run()
   at FSpot.Driver.Main(System.String[] args)

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