Extension compile error


I'm trying to write an extension but I'm running into troubles.

I've taken the following lines from CameraFileSelectionDialog.cs

TagMenu tagmenu = new TagMenu (null, MainWindow.Toplevel.Database.Tags);
tagmenu.NewTagHandler = HandleNewTagSelected;

but if I place those lines in my .cs, make will return the following error:
$ make
gmcs -target:library MetaPixelExport.cs -pkg:f-spot
-pkg:gnome-vfs-sharp-2.0 -pkg:gtk-sharp -r:Mono.Posix
MetaPixelExport.cs(74,33): error CS1502: The best overloaded method
match for `Gtk.MenuShell.Append(Gtk.Widget)' has some invalid arguments
MetaPixelExport.cs(74,33): error CS1503: Argument 1: Cannot convert type
`Gtk.MenuItem' to `Gtk.Widget'

did I miss any linking?


Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo milesi yetopen it

YetOpen S.r.l. - http://www.yetopen.it/
C.so E. Filiberto, 74 23900 Lecco - ITALY -
Tel 0341 220 205 - Fax 178 607 8199

GPG/PGP Key-Id: 0xE704E230 - http://keyserver.linux.it

-------- D.Lgs. 196/2003 --------

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