Re: ufraw (and others) integration

I do not know if I have to file a bug but it seems that the "develop in ufraw" extension does not recognise Konica Minolta raw files (.mrw) has valid raw files. I have the following message in the console when trying to use the extention on .mrw files :
The Original version of this image is not a (supported) RAW file


Stephane Delcroix a écrit :
An update on the RAW status...

- since a few days, db supports versions of images with different
- I wrote an addin that'll help you fix your actual db by merging raw
+jpeg files of the same image as only one image with versions. This will
be available very soon via the 'Manage extensions' menu entry.
- I wrote a patch for ufraw and it was accepted so f-spot can force the
output file while converting to raw. I still have to write an addin so
it "Develop in ufraw" appears in everyone's contextual menu.
- the code for reparenting an image as version of another dy drag'n drop
is already in trunk, just not compiled yet (compile with
-d:ENABLE_REPARENTING if you want to give it a try)
- code for keeping Raw+Jpeg together at import time (will make the merge
addin obsolete) will come after that

hope it clarify the situations a bit...



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