Re: Install latest svn trunk in Ubuntu?


Thanks for the reply.  I am new to compiling on Linux and didn't realize that was where I need to change the target.  Anyway so far what I have gathered is that you can use checkinstall to create debian packages from source.  I was able to kind of get a working version installed from SVN source but I still have a couple issues.  Here is what I did:
  1. from terminal in the trunk directory, run ./ --prefix=/usr --disable-scrollkeeper
  2. run make all
  3. run sudo checkinstall -D
  4. when prompted, set version (I used 0.4.1-svn3457)
  5. then set name (f-spot)
  6. to run application I had to type dbus-launch f-spot
The checkinstall -D creates and installs a debian package of the SVN source.  The main issue I have is I cannot run the application with the command f-spot only (I get an error stating 'cannot find dbus session bus..').  In addition, for checkinstall to work and build correctly I had to have f-spot already installed so the dependencies would be available.  I'm sure there is a way to setup the dependencies without having f-spot previously installed as well as getting the dbus session fixed but I do not know how to make that happen.
So if you or anyone can help me iron out the rest of this process that would be great.



On Nov 11, 2007 11:41 PM, Lorenzo Milesi < lorenzo milesi yetopen it> wrote:
Josh Gerdes ha scritto:
> I was wondering if there was an easy way to install the latest svn
> trunk version of f-spot system-wide on Ubuntu 7.10.  Are the needed
> files available to make a .deb?  Is there a certain set of make
> commands that would install it correctly?  I am able to compile the
> application and run from my home directory but I was unsure what the
> proper way of installing it system-wide.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.

Just a quick reply: if you're following the instruction from
on how to build from head, you just have to change your "autogen" line
in order to build it system wide.
./ --prefix=/usr/local
and this will install f-spot on your system (you then will need to run
make install as root!).

beware that you shouldn't have f-spot installed with apt or synaptic.

about making packages.... I've just installed ubuntu, so in few weeks
I'll try that :-)


Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo milesi yetopen it

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