Re: automatically copying the photos over

Hi Patrick,
I recently submitted a patch that allows one to customize the
directory structure in which the photos will be copied.  With any luck
it will be included in the next release, but that is up to the
decision of the maintainers.

As far as whether F-Spot imports or not, that is a different story.
It currently copies the photos as you are previewing photos to import,
and before you click the "import" button.  This is definitely a bad
way to do it and should be fixed soon (I hope).  Also, at one point
F-Spot would copy the photos whether you checked the "Copy file to the
Photos folder" checkbox or not.  I'm not sure if this is still the
case, but if it is then it is also something that should be fixed
right away.  Please check with the latest version (0.3.4) to see if it
fixes your particular problem.

If your problem still exists in the latest code from svn, then by all
means submit a patch if you're willing to write one.  Having one too
many patches for a bug is always better than one too few.

Thanks for your input!

On 3/5/07, Patrick Wagstrom <patrick wagstrom net> wrote:
I'm just wondering, what's the logic behind having F-spot always copy
the photos over when importing photos?  It seems like there are a few
problems with this functionality, or at the very least, it's current
implementation that cause issues in my use and a few other folks in my LUG.

First, with it on by default, it frequently makes imports take a lot
longer, especially if the photos are already on a safe and stable place
on your disk.

Secondly, if you're like me, and don't pay attention when it's on, you
have to click cancel, in which case it leaves all the previously copied
files already sitting in your other location, which you need to go clean
up manually and try the import again.

Thirdly, I've had problems with being stupid like this and having f-spot
import duplicates, which are rather hard to find most of the time.

So the way I see it there are a few possible solutions to this issue:

1. Mandate copying of photos over
2. Retrain all users to like copying their photos over
3. Make the default not to copy photos over
4. Have F-spot remember whether or not you told it to copy photos over

Option 1 isn't that good because lot of people manage their photos with
a different directory structure.  Option 2 isn't possible because there
will always be dumb users like myself.  Option 3 is a possibility, but
I'd imagine that some users like the feature.  Option 4 is a
possibility, but raises some other issues regarding consistency -- for
example, do we set it per filesystem, device, path?

In my view, it makes the most sense to implement option 4 by having
F-Spot just store a g-conf key and set the value on the import dialog
when the dialog is created.

Before I go and implement this, is there any reason why implementing
option 4 somehow goes against the GNOME and F-Spot UI guidelines.  We're
not talking about a new UI element, just remembering the state of the
form when reloaded.

Any thoughts?

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