Color profiles

while using the F-Spot editor I have felt the need for filtering colors thru a ICC profile... expecially to see if the image needs color adjustments before printing it. I think that a feature to see the photos thru a ICC filter (with a navigation control like the one provided for full-screen slideshow) would be really useful expecially if I can tag which photos are ok (for printing) and which need color adjustments.

I usually print about the 20% of my shots and I use an online service for printing. The printing service provides ICC profiles for all the photo-paper they use so it's important to look which shot has color problems and which not (I could save some money if I don't need to reprint the photos! :P). GIMP gives a way to filter using an ICC profile but it's uncomfortable: for each image you have to load it in GIMP, go to the show filters function thru the menu, selecting the filter and browse for the ICC profile to use. Acceptable for two or three images... but a hell if you have to check dozens. So, why not make such ICC checks while browsing in F-Spot? Load the ICC profile once and start browsing and tagging the images that need color adjustments. Smart and easy.


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