Category Idea

I was sitting here creating a ton of categories on F-Spot and thought
that it would be a great thing to have all fifty states listed under
the heading of say USA and perhaps have the ability to add more
countries and their sub provinces.

I suggest USA because that is of course where I live so that would be
the most useful to me to have pre-set on the categories. I travel to
many states taking hundreds of photos along the way and it just takes
a long time to enter each country and state by hand. I of course have
done what I need to do but does anyone else think that this would be a
great pre-programmed feature or perhaps an importable option in

Sincerely yours,
Richard Krone

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no
matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and
your own common sense.

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