Re: User report from an amateur photographer

On 1/24/07, Bart Vetters <robartes nirya be> wrote:
Hi Pedro,

I'm not going to answer all of your questions or suggestions, but I'll
answer those I can:

Thanks :)

> - Have some simple API's to acess the database. I want to be able to
> write ruby scripts that can query for all the images that have a
> certain tag and for each of them fetch the filesystem/network path
> where I can find them. Maybe this is already possible. Anyone care to
> tell me how?

The database is a simple SQLite database, and usually lives in
~/.gnome2/f-spot/photos.db. Most scripting and programming languages out
there have bindings for the SQLite API. I know Perl does, but not having
used Ruby yet, I can't be certain about Ruby. I'd be very surprised if
it did not have any interface with SQLite, though.

Yes it does but it would be much better if f-spot provided an actual
simple API for these things. If I use the SQLite database directly
I'll have to react to schema changes and it will be much more
complicated than just some API calls. Doing it through DBus would
probably be a good idea.

> - Editing inside f-spot. I don't really need any editing tools. What I
> want to be able to do is to use f-spot to launch gimp, do the editing,
> close it and then have the results be a new version.

This already is the case. If you open a photo from f-spot with Gimp, it
asks whether you want to create a new version to work on.

Oh, didn't know that, cool.

Thanks for sharing your experience with f-spot.

Thanks for the solutions.


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