soft focus effect causes a crash.

I pick up a photo, select the soft-focus effect,then I increase the level to
greater than 50, say 60 or 70. hit "apply" and it crashes. will post a bug
report too.

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.


  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
FSpot.Widgets.CairoUtils.f_pixbuf_from_cairo_surface (intptr) <0x00004>
  at (wrapper managed-to-native)
FSpot.Widgets.CairoUtils.f_pixbuf_from_cairo_surface (intptr) <0xffffffff>
  at FSpot.Widgets.CairoUtils.CreatePixbuf (FSpot.MemorySurface) <0x0001d>
  at FSpot.Editors.SoftFocus.HandleApply (object,System.EventArgs) <0x001d2>
  at (wrapper delegate-invoke)
(object,System.EventArgs) <0xffffffff>
  at GLib.Signal.voidObjectCallback (intptr,intptr) <0x00093>
  at (wrapper native-to-managed) GLib.Signal.voidObjectCallback
(intptr,intptr) <0xffffffff>
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application.gtk_main () <0x00004>
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application.gtk_main () <0xffffffff>
  at Gtk.Application.Run () <0x00007>
  at Gnome.Program.Run () <0x00007>
  at FSpot.Driver.Main (string[]) <0x00655>
  at (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object.runtime_invoke_void_string[]
(object,intptr,intptr,intptr) <0xffffffff>

Native stacktrace:

        f-spot(mono_handle_native_sigsegv+0xde) [0x815644e]
        f-spot [0x8122c88]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb637079b]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb6380e81]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb6382279]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb6786093]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb6787cde]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb636efb9]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb637079b]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb638102a]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb6382279]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb6786123]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb6786181]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb636efb9]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb637079b]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb63811e3]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb6382279]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb69695f8]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb684eef3]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb68500f7]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb66d97ea]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb7ee97df]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb7ee9b89]
        /usr/lib/ [0xb6850574]
        f-spot(mono_runtime_exec_main+0x62) [0x80996b2]
        f-spot(mono_runtime_run_main+0x1b9) [0x8099999]
        f-spot(mono_main+0xe47) [0x805d477]
        f-spot [0x805c122]
        /lib/tls/i686/cmov/ [0xb7d448cc]
        f-spot [0x805c071]
Aborted (core dumped)

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