Re: Redeye algorithm

On 9/15/06, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen gmail com> wrote:
Why only black? Why not let the user select to which colour to change
the pupils from a list- black, blue, brown, and green for example.

Well, pupils are black. The iris can have different colours though.

While on the subject, why is the select area square? Shouldn't it be
round/ elipse? That would help reduce the amount of flesh caught in
the select area.

Good suggestion! I recon that the basic idea is that drawing a box is
pretty easy and doesn't require a lot of extra work. (I mean that
there usually are box shaped selection boxes built in. But a circular
one is probably only found in specific image editing packages.)

You could also have an option to click somwhere in the red area and
have the algorithm search for offending colour given that as a source


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