F-Spot Import Problem


I just installed Fedora Core 6, that came with f-spot-0.2.1, and always during the initial photo import after show me the window and after importing approximately 3600 pictures it increase the counter really fast and when say "finished" I click on the import button and the program crash.
When I reopen it, noticed not all pictures were imported, so I take a 
look at the photos.db and check the latest picture it imports and check 
it in other raw photo editor (just to be sure the file is not malformed) 
and it looks good, I tried moving the files after and before the last it 
imports on the photos.db, then delete the photos.db and start again, and 
the same problem, I noticed it always stop at the id being the same 3670.
I downloaded the f-spot.spec from fedora cvs, and compiled 0.2.2 and 
have the same issue, do you have any idea how I can debug this problem?
Thank You.

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