Query questions...


I just ticked the Events tag, and directly two SELECTS where done.

> 7importrange = null True
> Query == >>SELECT photos.id,                                 photos.time,                               photos.directory_path,                     photos.name,                               photos.description,    photos.default_version_id                FROM photos                       WHERE  photos.id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2) AND  photos.id IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id IN (4 )) ORDER BY photos.time<<
> Reloading
> 7importrange = null True
> Query == >>SELECT photos.id,                                 photos.time,                               photos.directory_path,                     photos.name,                               photos.description,    photos.default_version_id                FROM photos                       WHERE  photos.id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2)ORDER BY photos.time<<

Next I ticked the Untagged photos 

> 6importrange = null True
> Query == >>SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT photo_id FROM photo_tags) ORDER BY time<<
> Reloading
> 7importrange = null True
> Query == >>SELECT photos.id,                                 photos.time,                               photos.directory_path,                     photos.name,                               photos.description,    photos.default_version_id                FROM photos                       WHERE  photos.id NOT IN (SELECT photo_id FROM photo_tags WHERE tag_id = 2)ORDER BY photos.time<<

Why do we have multiple querys? If we have 30,000 photos or so, it will take some time do to these extra searches or?

Also, in TimeAdaptor.cs I found the following code:

> 		public override void Reload () 
> 		{
> 			years.Clear ();
> 			Photo [] photos = query.Store.Query (null, null);
> //			Photo [] photos = query.Store.Query (query.Tags, query.Range);
The comment is my suggestion to what the code should be, or am I misstaken?


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