Re: Pushing patch for 342137

On Sö, 2006-07-23, 01:36, Stephane Delcroix skrev:
> Hi,


> guessing that everyone out there will be happy to see things move a bit
> more in F-Spot.

Very true :) Especially after the number of months with slow activity due
to various reasons.

> Goal: Getting XMP import patch into CVS HEAD.

Can't wait :)

> How to do it ?
> a) making it compliant with latest CVS (done, thx Bengt)

No Problems

> b) Larry need to approve the idea of having an 'XMP import capability'
> in HEAD

Waiting for Larrys feedback

> c) Unifying Bengt and Warren patch. Find out the required things from
> both patches

Warren: I think my patch covers everything yours do, apart from not
handling the import from a sidecar to good. This because I use the general
ImageFile, which looks like always finding XMP data in the file. At least
those I have tried. If XMP data is found, my patch do not look for a
sidecar file. (compile option to not use imagefile though).

> d) reviewing and commenting

Do break it apart (code review, testing, or whatever) and let me know what
you find, and how we can improve this patch. It is not a one liner, so the
more eyes the better... Also, the more that review/test a patch, the
easier it will be for Larry to review it.

If do not know where to find this patch:
And leave comments in bugzilla 342137
Comments could be:
* Works fine
* Code review, and found .... (or did not find anything)
* Need to cope with the following...
* Please add the following...

> Are you in ?

Definitely :)

> in CVS for that day. If nothing has moved at all for the 4th, I'll
> consider this experiment as failed...

That would be very bad :(

> Best Regards,
> Stephane


Bengt Thuree   bengt thuree com

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