Re: Album Support

This seems to help solve another problem I have with F-Spot, the
organization of Photos.  What if, instead of putting the photos in
year/month/day/ we put them in album/ or year-of-earliest-photo/album/ ?  I
never copy to Photos because its nearly useless to have them sorted by date
if you want to browse for them on the disk.  Apart from
birthdays/anniversaries etc I never know the date a photo was taken.  I
surely could find it in album/ though.

To make this work, In addition to  the "Add tag" we would add "Add to album"
in  the import dialog.  There would be the option to leave it as (No album)
or create a new one.  Under the covers it would basically be implemented by
a tag + import dir.  Changing the album would move the photo to the proper

You read my mind!
This was my adgenda also when I added the album entry to the import
dialog. I thought that if it was present then the photos could be
organised by album instead of date (becaue like you, i find it hard to
browse the import folder by date). At present if the album entry is
filled out it just creates and album and adds the imported photos to

It has limitations but kind of works.

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