Re: CVS Import copies photos to ~/Photos!!

On Sun, 2005-11-20 at 13:46 +0900, Bengt Thuree wrote:
> On S�005-11-20, 12:56, Larry Ewing skrev:
> > On Sat, 2005-11-19 at 22:53 +1100, Bengt Thuree wrote:

> > It only copies if the option is selected in the import dialog,  the
> > option is on by default.
> Well, for me, as soon as I choose the directory, it imports the files.
> (Hmm.. need to verify this at home. Since verifying my rename patch, and a
> lot of secondary imports, and not so many first imports...)
When I press "+", I get to the import window.
I then select Source (and browse to the folder), as soon as I click OK
in the browse folder window, the pictures are copied to ~/Photos.
====>>> Target directory should be user definable
====>>> Copy should not take place after selected source directory, but
when clicking on "Finish" or something

After pressing "Finish Import" F-spot does some more things, and then
returns to the main window.
Clicking one more time on the "+" icon, and F-Spot directly copies the
pictures again from the previous source directory to ~/Photos
====>>> F-Spot should just display the Import dialog (perhaps with
latest values) and wait command to import (give user a chance to change

Or have I missed something?
Should I create a Bug on these?


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