Re: Re:Tags versus categories

On Thu, 2005-11-10 at 13:42 +0800, Indulis Bernsteins wrote:
> User-input tags should be able to be exported between versions.  Noone
> wants to have to reenter 200+ tags by hand.  The derived ones can just
> be redone.  [...] Until there is an easy way to reattach user-input
> tags even when the database schema changes, f-spot won't get its full
> use, as there is a big disincentive to spend time setting up your
> photos, only to have a future version "de-tag" them. 

I believe part of the f-spot "master plan" is to eventually store all
tags and captions in the image metadata (IPTC and XMP) and use the
database merely as a fast cache (someone correct me if I'm wrong).  So
this export and re-import of tags will eventually occur automatically
without any user intervention.  I'm not sure how far up that is on the
priority list, but someone will eventually implement it (perhaps I will
when I get sufficiently anxious).


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