Re: Tag typing.

On Thu, 2005-11-10 at 00:48 -0500, Aaron Bockover wrote:

> Pressing enter if there is a selection (i.e. a tag that was matched and
> can be expanded) should expand the tag... append a space after the
> selection and move the cursor to the end of the selection/expanded tab,
> ready to input a second tag. If there is no selection in the entry, the
> enter key applies the tag(s). If there is a selection, the enter key
> places the cursor at the end of the selection.

This actually seems like a pretty good idea.  I was hoping not to have a
version 4 of this patch before hitting CVS but this idea seems like it's
worth trying.  But I'm going to wait to see what other people say about
the selection/completion first.


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