Patch: shortcuts for next/previous in PhotoView

First must say that I love f-spot, does a fantastic job, very fast, just 
the right mix of features and helps me organize my photos great. (php 
gallery export helps in this regard)
I am not a huge fan of rodents however, so included is a patch to make 
the 'n' and 'p' keys go to the next and previous picture when in the 
single photo view.
This makes sorting and tagging photos much more efficient for me, 
hopefully you agree.
I had also made a change to bind Ctrl-R to 'Remote from Catalog' but my 
Glade diff ended up being gigantic and it scares me so I left it out. 
(seems to work though)
I'm an experienced developer but brand new to C# and Gtk/Gnome so 
hopefully I didn't break too many rules with this patch. (I did make 
DisplayNext and DisplayPrevious public in PhotoView)
Thanks, looking forward to contributing more.  One itch I still have is 
to allow f-spot to launch an outside editor for photos (with the 
modified file so versioning remains nice and lightweight).  Although 
f-spot does a good job of what it does, sometimes it's nice to pull in 
the Gimp.

Index: MainWindow.cs
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/f-spot/src/MainWindow.cs,v
retrieving revision 1.180
diff -u -p -r1.180 MainWindow.cs
--- MainWindow.cs	19 Mar 2005 10:53:47 -0000	1.180
+++ MainWindow.cs	27 Mar 2005 21:55:34 -0000
@@ -726,6 +726,19 @@ public class MainWindow {
 			HandleViewFullscreen (sender, args);
 			args.RetVal = true;
+		case Gdk.Key.N:
+		case Gdk.Key.n:
+			photo_view.DisplayNext();
+			args.RetVal = true;
+			break;
+		case Gdk.Key.P:
+		case Gdk.Key.p:
+			photo_view.DisplayPrevious();
+			args.RetVal = true;
+			break;
Index: PhotoView.cs
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/f-spot/src/PhotoView.cs,v
retrieving revision 1.54
diff -u -p -r1.54 PhotoView.cs
--- PhotoView.cs	19 Mar 2005 10:42:40 -0000	1.54
+++ PhotoView.cs	27 Mar 2005 21:55:35 -0000
@@ -185,12 +185,12 @@ public class PhotoView : EventBox {
 	// Browsing.
-	private void DisplayNext ()
+	public void DisplayNext ()
 		photo_view.Next ();
-	private void DisplayPrevious ()
+	public void DisplayPrevious ()
 		photo_view.Prev ();

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