Send a mail


I was looking to implement a functionality to send photos via email.
What I want to do is pretty simple : select photos and in the contextual
menu have a 'Send to...' entry. What it should do is launching a
'compose mail' window from the default gnome mail client. After that,
what should be interesting is having a pop-up that allow you to resize
the photos before adding them to the mail. This functionality is similar
to the one we can find in the Apple iPhoto application.

But where this functionality should stand? In F-spot? I'm not sure, it
would be interesting to have this in the gnome libs and have this
enabled in Nautilus to. I don't know where to send this question so here
is the starting point. If some of the gnome hackers listen to it, what
do you think about this ?

Sorry for my English if I made mistakes.

MOREAU Vincent <vmoreau orange fr>

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