Re: [evolution-patches] Patch for mail/calendar using the timestamps sent by the server in getQM messages [Groupwise backend]

On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 10:04 +0530, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:

Attached patch stores the time string retrieved from the server into
the camel summary and uses it to poll the server on the next getQM call.
[This patch leaves the gw summary version unchanged though it adds a new
property - as i have assumed that it can handle the absence of the
timestamp gracefully. fejj/partha - pl. confirm if this is safe].

No.  You have changed the format == version changed.  Bump the version, and make the file only load that value if the version is at least the new one.  So it can transparently read the old version still.  Write out only the new version though.

Although - given that groupwise is not released yet, it may not matter, if this only goes into 2.2 though you will need to do it.

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