Re: [evolution-patches] Fix address field display.

On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 14:34 -0500, Dan Winship wrote:
> 	From: "John \"D.\" Grahame" <jdg company com>
> or something very similar (and then evolution would [or at least should]
> display it as he intended).

P'raps; I agree it'd be nice. But that's just cosmetic and there are
more important usability concerns. Evo should possibly display it as he
intended, as long as when you cut and paste the address from the email
you're viewing into an email you're composing, it still _works_. You
shouldn't display something in a form that you're not going to accept
with the same meaning it originally had.

So displaying "John D. Grahame" <jdg company com> without the quotes
might be acceptable as long as you're going to interpret to have the
same meaning when it appears in the To: text box.

But there's no way we should be displaying "Grahame, John"
<jdg company com> without the quotes, since that _does_ have a
completely different meaning that way.

As long as the cut and paste thing works, and information in comments
and both empty and non-empty lists isn't lost, I'll be happy. Displaying
stuff with quotes which are added for syntax reasons without the quotes
is a very much less important concern.


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