[evolution-patches] Re: (no subject)

I haven't read much of the HIG. It has many things that I don't agree
with, as well as that it contradicts itself in many respects. Changing
it to match the HIG is fine with me. I Chose "_h" because it matches
the keybinding, and provides an associative connection with something
other than a hard sound in the label in question. Choosing the mnemonic
based on keyboard accelerators when they present seems to be more
appropriate to me, as it provides an association that will be more
obvious, as you will see the underlined 'h' as well as Ctrl-H in the
menu, and also will help users to learn the keybindings rather than
parading through the menus by mnemonics alone. Perhaps something that
should be brought up for the new revision of the HIG or something?

So, "_h" is just the first thing that came to my mind, as that
association hit me first. Using "_S" is fine with me, if it makes you
happy with complying with the current HIG.

-- dobey

On Wed, 2003-07-30 at 14:42, anna ximian com wrote:
> Hi Dobey, Michael, Ettore and others:
> I appreciate you working on this, Dobey-- but (and you knew there would
> be a but, no?) using "_H" for the accelerator for "Select Thread" is
> absolutely not in keeping with the HIG. I know that several of the other
> accelerators in that menu are also not well-hig-ified, and that is
> something we should fix. Might as well get this one right while we're
> working on it, instead of needing to revisit it later.
> (To check out for yourself what the HIG has to say on the matter, see:
> http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/1.0/userinput.html#keyboard
> ; scroll to the "Choosing Access Keys" section.)
> (The 'h' in 'thread' is the middle letter in a consonant trigraph,
> rendering it quasi-silent-- it has no actual sound of its own in that
> context. Accelerator letters are supposed to be easy to remember by virtue
> of the sounds they make in the label in question.)
> Why not just change the accelerator for that label to "_S"?
> That would be more HIG-able, and it isn't used elsewhere in the menu..
> cheers,
> Anna

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