[Evolution] Wrong time zone shown on some events in calendar


Evolution 3.44.4 on Fedora 36.

Today Evolution has suddenly started to show some events shifted on my
calendar. It’s a local ics calendar stored on my file system.

I see the following in the ics:

    DTSTART;TZID=Eastern Standard Time:20210629T083000
    DTEND;TZID=Eastern Standard Time:20210629T095000

Yet when I open it in the UI the Time zone field contains ‘Dublin,
Edinburgh,Lisbon, London’, which is not even my system time zone
(CEST). So the event is showing up 5h too early on my calendar.

Not all events are wrong though. I have one in the ‘(UTC-08:00) Pacific
Time (US & Canada)’ that’s showing up at the right time in the UI.

Any idea of what’s going on?


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