Re: [Evolution] spam filters being ignored

On Mon, 2022-03-14 at 16:58 +0200, Tim Ehrenhaft via evolution-list
Hey all,
I'm running Evolution 3.42.4 (by on Linux Zorin 15, and
am receiving spams that are not appearing on the gmail website... the
spams appear only in evolution, not on (the gmail filters
appear to be working, as gmail's spam folder is empty)

If Gmail's spam "folder" is empty, that would indicate that Gmail is
*not* filtering spam.

I've created filters for each spam (including subject, sender, and
recipient info) with instructions to delete immediately to no avail..
still get multiple spams daily from the same senders.. i'm not a
subscriber to mailing lists or websites (except for evolution-list),
and even if i were, a filter should actually filter..
This happened on the previous version of evolution as well, so
to this version didn't fix it.. 
I had to delete some filters because they were starting to bog
evolution's send/receive action.. ugh
How do I get evolution to stop pulling blocked spams from gmail (that
don't appear in gmail)?

Hard to know without examples. I do all my filtering on Gmail (spam and
non-spam) and it works for me.

A good 99% of spam is caught by Gmail's automatic recogniser rather
than specific rules I set up. These rules do not immediately delete
spam, they file it in the Junk folder and delete it 30 days later.

I don't use Evolution filtering for anything, but if you want to do
that you need to train the specific spam filter (e.g. Bogofilter or
Spamassassin). You can't do that from the Gmail side. You'd also be
wise to avoid the two sides from stepping on each other's toes.


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