Re: [Evolution] Incoming messages in VERY small font

On Sat, 2022-06-18 at 18:12 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan via evolution-list
Some incoming messages are displayed in a very small font. I've been
dinking with the settings without success. How can I make the default
display be to a larger font, or is this just evolution following the
font specification in the message. Here is an example, and my
preferences; compare the font in the message with the one in the

Unfortunately it is probably to do with the "enriched experience" of
using HTML in email.  If the sender sets the fonts to be "Comic Sans
6", then that is what is displayed.  The font settings don't over-ride
what is proscribed in the message.  There's a setting to ignore
colours, but not fonts.

The minimum font size setting may help, but it doesn't just influence
the message body so may have unwanted side effects.


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