Re: [Evolution] Gmail Calendar

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Piko <michael piko com au>
To: evolution-list <evolution-list gnome org>
Subject: [Evolution] Gmail Calendar
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2021 13:06:12 +1100

At least once a day I get this error connecting to Google: Gmail

    Failed to issue REPORT: HTTP error code 401 (Unauthorized)

And have to reenter my credentials etc. even though It is set to  
"Don’t ask again on this device"

I've experienced an issue with Google's server refusing to serve more
than a certain number of logins to gmail, they seem to have a daily
quota.  I fixed this by setting the checking interval to "60 minutes"
instead of "15 minutes".

Is this what you are encountering?

Alex Doll, M.AusIMM
Alex G Doll Consulting Ltd
m. +1-778-388-2444  alex doll agdconsulting ca

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