Re: [Evolution] Evolution, Imap, Google and half a dozen devices

On Fri, 2020-12-11 at 14:27 -0600, Anonymous Japhering via evolution-
list wrote:
My free Gmail account and my paid for G-Suite account always pop  the
"blocked attempted access from 
unsecure app"  about every third time I start Evolution.

I've no real answer for your question, I've only a comment. The
"insecure application" notice, if I understand it correctly, is shown
when you log in with the OAuth2 using an application (client ID), which
was not verified by Google for correctness - that is some process the
applications should go through. As far as I can tell, both applications
(client IDs), the one used by evolution-data-server by default and the
one used by GNOME Online Accounts (GOA), passed this process and they
both are considered verified by the Google server.


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