Re: [Evolution] Host URL for EWS ?

On Fri, 2021-02-12 at 13:14 +0100, Joakim Tjernlund via evolution-list
Where does Evo get the URL from?
I would like to change this default to O365 instead

that URL is not meant to match anything, it's (almost) always wrong, it
only takes the domain part of the Email address you entered and
prepends to it "exchange." and shows the path as it usually (almost
always) is. It's not possible to change it. The URL is meant as a hint.
You know the server address, but it's possible you do not know
the path - who would like to remember /EWS/Exchange.asmx?

The Fetch URL runs autodiscovery on multiple domains. Having your
server redirect to or eventually
to, you may get a better user experience.
The SRV records for that domain can also help. [1]

You can setup also autoconfig for your users, supposing they can access
a place where you'd have saved the account configurations. I plan to
write a Wiki page with the instructions how to do it, possibly during
the hard code freeze, which is near the end of the next month.

[1] the URLs being constructed here:
    the SRV lookup here:

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