Re: [Evolution] Searching emails with ews-accounts

On Mon, 2021-04-26 at 16:27 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
On Mon, 2021-04-26 at 12:26 +0200, Steve via evolution-list wrote:
Shot in the dark but also check in your account settings that you
have chosen to display unsubscribed folders to make sure all folders
are returned before the search. This one always catches me out when
setting up exchange accounts.
that setting is available only for IMAP accounts (here is used EWS) and
it ("Show only subscribed folders) is off by default, thus newly
created accounts do show subscribed and unsubscribed folders.

A related thing, Sorin searches in a single folder, thus the folder is
already shown in the GUI.

Sorin, I tried it here, with an Office 365 account, and I can search
"Subject or Addresses contain" with "Show All Messages" and "in Current
Folder" options, with no problem. I write part of one of the recipients
and only messages to that person are shown in the Sent Items folder.
This search should be done locally. Could you try to do the search when
you've run evolution from a terminal, please? There's a very little
chance, but maybe it'll print something there.

An alternative would be to refetch everything from the server from
scratch. I do not know how the local cache could get confused, but in
case it is, it'll help. The files are stored in

I'm thinking the refetch when moving sent items to another folder did the
I moved back the sent mails to its original folder and the mails are now
searchable again.

If this happens again, is there a way force refresh the local cache?

It's the directory containing folder-tree file. By moving the directory
away, when Evolution is closed, Evolution will re-download the
information about the folders and their content. It can take a long
time and use a lot of bandwidth, depending on the amount of the folders
and the mails you've stored on the server. There's also no assurance
it'll help for the search. The only thing I know is that it works for
Ah, got it. Thanks!
It did take a long time, although there were only about 4500 mails.
The sent mail folder is probably the single biggest one I have.

Oh, and another thing is to move away:


file, which contains information about the settings you've done for
each folder, including the search settings. Only move it away, do not
delete it, thus you can return it back if needed.

This will be Plan B if the folder-routine doesn't help.

For now it seems the folder move fixed stuff - probably a cache problem.

Thanks for the assistance, I appreciate it!


Sorin Srbu, Serverdrift
Tele: 08-524 84166
Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
Enheten för Teknikstöd och Bildproduktion

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