Re: [Evolution] Evolution Flatpak build

On Wed, 2020-09-16 at 08:28 -0500, Japhering, Anonymous wrote:
Evolutin 3.36.6 (flatpak gitf74a735)

Using this page as the guide for building:

It says do
flatpak --user install flathub org.gnome.Platform//3.36 org.gnome.Sdk//3.36

which installed appropriately.

Maybe that page should replace all and any version numbers with X.XX
and say "Replace X.XX with the GNOME version number." because I'm
getting tired of having to regularly bump versions...


I successfully get the  json.    However, the json is looking for
 version 3.38  instead of 3.36.

The latest stable version is 3.38, so the file includes "3.38".

So I tried running
the same flatpak command substituting  3.38 for 3.36 and get the following error:

flatpak --user install flathub org.gnome.Platform//3.38 org.gnome.Sdk//3.38
Looking for matches…
error: Nothing matches org.gnome.Platform in remote flathub

I guess that's because GNOME 3.38 (and its SDK) have not been released
yet. (Should happen later today.)

So what did I do wrong ?

Nothing, if I understand it correctly. Just unfortunate timing.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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