Re: [Evolution] export collections of mails to txt file

On Mon, 2020-11-02 at 15:53 +0100, Herr Oswald wrote:
Hello everybody,

I need to export the text contents of a number of messages to a text
file. I tried mbox export, but there I get a lot of unwanted contents
(headers, attachments etc). Regexing out them is more than my limited
abilities can do...

I found this very old thread:
but the attempt to drag messages to a nautilus folder reliable
evo and at least the mouse...

Does anybody have a good idea for a quick&easy solution?

Depending on what you define as quick and easy, exporting to mbox and
then writing a script to parse the mbox file and export the parts you
want should be straightforward. Most languages have mbox parsing
libraries that will do the majority of the work for you.


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