Re: [Evolution] Quick search and threads

On Mon, 2020-06-15 at 12:32 +0200, Krauß, Peter (SCC) via evolution-
list wrote:
However, this will only return exactly that one email. Is there a way
to get the whole mail thread back without going through the whole
"Advanced Search" dialog?

I'd suggest to save the search and then access it through the Search
menu, but that doesn't allow setting "parameters", thus it's similarly
useless for your needs. What about adding also "In-Reply-To" and
"References" headers to include the given message ID? It won't show the
whole thread, it will show only messages, where the given Message-ID is
referenced, but it's still better than nothing, is it not?

Alternative, if you've root rights, edit:


and search for these lines in it:

    <rule source="demand" grouping="any">
      <title>Free form expression</title>

and change the first line to:

    <rule source="demand" grouping="any" threading="all">
      <title>Free form expression</title>

Only note that the threading option requires significantly more
resources, thus it can take much longer to produce the results, with
higher CPU usage.


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