Re: [Evolution] BURL in Evolution

I understand the use case, but I think they put it in the wrong
protocol. It should have been placed in the IMAP protocol. You have
the benefit of referencing mails, but no intermixing of SMTP and
IMAP, or authentication complexities.

It sort of is in IMAP;  on the backend the IMAP server must support
URLAUTH [RFC4467] on top of IMAP URLS [RFC2192].

It gets thorny at: """Specifically, thisrequires that the submit server
implement a configuration that uses STARTTLS followed by SASL PLAIN
[SASL-PLAIN] to authenticate to the IMAP server. .... Specifically,
this requires that the submit server implement a configuration that
uses STARTTLS followed by SASL PLAIN [SASL-PLAIN] to authenticate to
the IMAP server."""

Overall I was excited when I discovered IMAP URLS - HOW HANDY! - but
even then the authentication bit becomes such a pain that throwing some
kind of HTTP proxy in front of the IMAP server is still easier. :(

In fact, some IMAP servers already support IMAP sending through a
"magic Outbox folder".

Agree; there does seem to be a simpler way that doesn't require the
boundary ripping.

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