Re: [Evolution] HTML to PDF in accessibility mode

On Tue, 2020-04-07 at 04:19 +0200, via evolution-list wrote:
I've a very important HTML email conversation I have to print/backup.

I do not know of the use case, but I dare to ask: would the backup of
the email, instead of some PDF, not be better? Unless you really need a
paper copy, the email itself contains much more information about the
data origin than the PDF file. It can be eventually harder to extract
the information from a standalone .mbox file, without proper tooling.

Temporarly switching for a bright theme does nothing. It's HTML coded
on mail source -white font when printing-.

Aha, it's very nice from the sender. Depending on how often you receive
such mails, maybe you can save the message, edit the style for
printing, then import the message and print it.

Evolution 3.36.1 (by

That version allows to disable colors in HTML mails, using theme colors
like in the Plain Text mode. As you've it in Flatpak, you should run a
terminal in the Evolution sandbox first:

   $ flatpak run ---command=sh org.gnome.Evolution

then change the setting:

   $ gsettings set org.gnome.evolution.mail preview-unset-html-colors true

I do not know how much it influences print of the message, or if at all.

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