Re: [Evolution] From: To: mismatch


I tried a couple of things.

Say that I receive a message from Joe, with From: Joe <joe joedomain tld> and
To: myself <myself mydom tld>

So, it seems that, if I 'edit as New Message' the message that I received from
Joe, Evolution create a new message whose fields are filled as:

From:<myself mydom tld> (shown as the selected option on the drop down menu)
Name: Joe 
Address:joe joedomain tld
To: myself <myself mydom tld>

If I overwrite the To: field with joe joedomain tld and  DO NOT erase Name and
Address fields, the new message is shipped To:joe joedomain tld and From:
joe joedomain tld

Note, if I click on the drop down menu, the Name and Address field are updated

Actually, I do not know what those fields Name and Address are good for. 

Feature, bug, misconfiguration? 


On Tue, 2019-10-01 at 10:26 +0200, mario chiari wrote:

thanks for your reply


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