Re: [Evolution] Dealing with huge imap accounts / best practise?


On Mon, 2019-03-04 at 11:14 +0100, fkater--- via evolution-list wrote:
Caching seems required for Evolution to make search work, doesn't

no, it doesn't. The local cache/summary (basically the folders.db file
of the mail cache) is needed to view the folder content in the message
list in the GUI. Some searches can be done in this local summary (like
when searching for mail with recipients or with certain subject), but
some require the whole message (like when searching for "Message
contains"/"Body contains").

Hm, I wish I could avoid caches -- please help explaining the
following behaviour, though:

- Create a fresh IMAP account, local sync disabled (20.000+ emails
  on the server, a lot of subfolders)
- Use another mail client to move an email into a subdirectory of
  that same IMAP account; in my case that mail was flagged read
- In Evolution, search that mail from the top folder incl. all
  subfolders, by entering the unique subject
- BTW: Indeed, the status line displays something like server based
  search... nice
- Wait until all processes finish (10 minutes here)

Result: Mail not found.

- Try Send / Receive messages
- This took 30 minutes
- Search repeated as above

Result: Mail not found.

When I manually open the subfolder with that mail once, and then
restart the search from the top folder it gets found.

What is happening here? 

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