Re: [Evolution] Problem with attachments

On Fri, 2019-06-07 at 10:33 +0000, Daniele Totaro wrote:
I've just upgraded Evolution to 3.32.2 (flatpak git); with the
previous version, it was enough a double-click in the preview to open
the attachments with the appropriate application (spreadsheets with
Calc, pdfs with pdf-viewer, etc.).

If this is about the bottom of the message preview, that's correct if
you always have the Attachments pane expanded and if you have "Icon
View" enabled in the dropdown on the right.

Now it is not possible anymore, double-clicking it just opens a new
windows "portal" where each time I have to choose the right

I don't get a "portal" here in 3.32.2 on Fedora 30 but the application
opens after a double-click. What exactly is a "portal"?

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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