Re: [Evolution] sending by CC

On Fri, 2019-08-02 at 17:23 +0300, George Paraloffsky wrote:
Manjaro, Cinnamon, Evolution: the latests.

And what actually is "the latest"? Assuming Manjaro does use Evolution
from the Arch Linux extra repository, it would be 3.32.4, which indeed
is the latest from upstream. If so, I wonder that you can access
contacts at all, since the Arch packages for Evolution are broken, .

"Help > About" does show what version of Evolution you are using.


Regarding it is
Evolution and data-server 3.32.4 and FWIW regarding icu is 64.2.

Is there a way to see how Manjaro does build the packages?

When using Arch Linux it is possible to get the PKGBUILD sources by SVN
or by git via the asp tool, see .

For example:

$ svn checkout --depth=empty svn:// && cd packages
$ svn update evolution
$ cd evolution/repos/extra-x86_64/ #the location of the PKGBUILD and possibly patches, too

$ cd ../../..
$ svn update evolution-data-server
$ cd evolution-data-server/repos/extra-x86_64/ #the location of the PKGBUILD and possibly patches, too

Maybe Manjaro does provide to get the PKGBUILD sources, too.

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