Re: [Evolution] Evolution & Gmail not working correctly

On Sun, 2018-09-30 at 12:40 -0600, coreefdiver via evolution-list
this is what the red warning bar in Evolution is showing:

    Data source "(my email)" does not support 0Auth2.0

couple nitpicks first:
- top-posting is hard to follow and it's frown on on this list
- proper quoting (by left only the part you really reply to, like I did
  with the text above) is also more than welcome
- it is "OAuth2", not "0Auth2", as you for whatever reason write it.
  I'm not questioning ".0" suffix, I'm questioning the leading 'zero',
  which is supposed to be capital 'o'. It's a nitpick, but whoever
  would search for OAuth2 issues in the list archives would miss your
  posts due to this error.

Back to the original issue:
I'm unsure whether you configured the account directly in Evolution or
through GNOME (or Ubuntu) Online Accounts. I guess it had been directly
in Evolution.

It seems that the transition from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04.1, which means
from Evolution I.Do.Not.Know.What to Evolution 3.28.1, missed to change
something in the underlying files.

What is the reason to not use OAuth2 on your side? Just a matter of
habit, or the above error, or anything else? You should use OAuth2,
it's the way the Google services are delivered and the fact that some
of the services still support non-OAuth2 authentication doesn't mean
the Google server will support it ad infinity. The Google server
considers applications not using OAuth2 as insecure, which is clearly
indicated when the Google user has enabled two-factor authentication.
OAuth2 doesn't mean two-factor authentication, OAuth2 can be used
without it.

Please, try one thing:
a) kill evolution-source-registry process
   (kill -TERM `pidof evolution-source-registry`)
b) go to ~/.config/evolution/sources/
c) search all the *.source files for your Gmail email address,
   the same as you see in the error message quoted above
d) verify that each of the found .source files which have
   an "[Authentication]" section contain "Method=Google" key. One
   of the .source files will have also a "[Collection]" section,
   which is the main account .source file.
e) in case some of the files have other Method, change it
   to 'Google'. It would be interesting to know what the value was,
   to be able to reproduce it and eventually fix, ideally through
   a filled new issue against evolution-data-server [1], which
   I'd like to ask you to fill.
f) run `evolution --force-shutdown` to restart all the background
   processes and to start using your changes.

Since then, if any Method had been corrected (where I believe it's the
one where the "[Collection]" section also exists), you might not
receive the error about "does not support OAuth2.0 authentication".

There are also other related .source files in
where the <collection-UID> is the name part of the .source file with
the "[Collection]" section. These .source files contain all the
calendars, books, and so on, as found on the Google server. You can
either correct these similarly as you did with the files in ~/.config,
or you can just remove them before you restart the background
processes, because they will be recreated. When recreated, it also
means their content will be downloaded from scratch.

        Hope it helps and bye,


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