Re: [Evolution] Toolbar Woops

On Thu, 2018-06-07 at 11:34 -0500, Paul Stejskal wrote:
On Thu, 2018-06-07 at 18:05 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
On Thu, 2018-06-07 at 10:43 -0500, Paul Stejskal wrote:
On Thu, 2018-06-07 at 10:20 -0500, Ron Whiteside wrote:
I unchecked view->Layout->Menu Bar. That caused me to lose
acces to
"File Edit View ..." bar. How do I get it back?

Evolution 3.28.2 (3.28.2-1.fc28)
on Fedora


That reply does not make sense.


I tried unchecking it, and I as well did not have a File, Edit,
View.... So I had to hit Alt+V on my keyboard so the View menu would
pop up.

Ah! I am sorry, Paul! Only now I realize that I replied to the subject
line (says "toolbar") while you replied to the body (says "menubar").
You're right about the menubar, I was thinking only about the toolbar.

Regarding the menubar, I'm also going to quote from the Evolution user
docs (which can be accessed by pressing 'F1'):
If you ever accidentially hide the menu bar, open a Terminal
application and run the command 
    gsettings set menubar-visible true
to reenable it.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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