Re: [Evolution] DTSTART differs

Am 06.02.2018 um 11:27 schrieb Milan Crha:
that the other client uses UTC as the DTSTART/DTEND doesn't seem
correct to me too, it should use the time zone which is passed to the
server and which can be seen in the component editor at View->Timezone

I tried with an On This Computer/Personal calendar and it saves the
time with my timezone and with the correct time.

What are the libical and tzdata versions on both machines, please?

Could you start evolution-calendar-factory from a terminal with CalDAV
debugging on, then run evolution and repeat the steps, please? The
factory terminal will show what had been passed to the server and what
had been received back from it. It can be that libical had been
compiled with interoperable time zones on one machine (shorter version,
using RRULE in timezones), while the other machine doesn't use them and
expands the time zone rule, which some servers do not like. The command

   $ CALDAV_DEBUG=all /usr/libexec/evolution-calendar-factory -w

The actual path of the executable can differ on your machine.


thank you very much for your help on this.
First of all: Evolution works fine, without shifting DTSTART.

On generating the debug logs I noticed that the described problem occurs
on using gnome-calendar. With Evolution directly everything is fine.

Although I wrote that I used Evolution, I used gnome-calendar yesterday
on Arch linux. Sorry for being imprecise.
I had the assumption, that gnome-calendar is only a thin front-end that
uses all of Evolution, but TIL that there is probably more.

So, thanks again for your help. I'll look into gnome-calendar to analyze
this further.

Kind regards,

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