Re: [Evolution] Edit Entry Different Time Zone then System

On Sun, 2018-04-08 at 07:29 -0400, Will W wrote:
On Sun, 2018-04-08 at 07:02 -0400, Will W wrote:
A remote calendar (CalDav) 3.26.6 (3.26.6-1.fc27)
I would like to add that if I use my phone or tablet to create a new
entry and then view it in is the correct timezone.
 is weird. 
depending on the server, the event can be changed by it. You can verify
what evolution sends to the server and what it receives back when you
run the calendar factory from a terminal with enabled debugging:

   $ CALDAV_DEBUG=all /usr/libexec/evolution-calendar-factory -w

Then run evolution and repeat the steps. You should see new output on
the console of the calendar factory with raw iCalendar data. Search for
DTSTART and DTEND lines inside BEGIN:VEVENT and END:VEVENT lines, which
define the event as such. The DTSTART/DTEND should contain TZID
parameter. There's also a SUMMARY and all other details. When you save
an event in Evolution, it is written to the server (with the PUT
request) and immediately read back (with a GET request), then you can
compare what had been sent to the server and what the server returned

This is only a guess, but I recall some servers do not like expanded
time zones, which libical can use, thus it can be the server rejected
the timezone definition and replaced it with UTC.

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