Re: [Evolution] Automatic contacts

i'm trying to find a setting for this: when type the name of my
mailcontact in to: field, i have to type 3 letters. I wnat to
it to 2 letters. In Editor-> Settings i found nothing?!
someone has an hint?
Why wouldn't you want it to be the smallest number of letters that
gives a unique match--one letter if you only have one name starting
with that letter, etc.?

To know if it produces a unique match requires a look-up . . . the
reason for minimal length [3 in almost every client] is do the expense
of a look-up to a large addressbook.  Addressbooks with over a thousand
entries are common.  Corporate addressbooks can be much larger than

And do user's really not know THREE characters in the name/address of
who they want to send a message to?  Shortening the search criteria is
addressing a problem that doesn't exist.

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
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