Re: [Evolution] Unable to connect to google 'Contacts'

Hi Everyone:


I had to change my compile flags:
jserinki7 vde # equery uses evolution-data-server
[ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation]
[        : I - package is installed with flag     ]
[ Colors : set, unset                             ]
 * Found these USE flags for gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-3.24.5:
 U I
 - - api-doc-extras        : Build documentation for private APIs
 + + berkdb                : sys-libs/db support needed to migrate old (pre-3.12 evolution versions) addressbook
 + + gnome-online-accounts : Enable net-libs/gnome-online-accounts based Google authentication support
 + + google                : Enable internal Google authentication support. If gnome-online-accounts is enabled
                             and used, this is not necessary, but both can be supported at the same time with
                             different setup at runtime
 + + gtk                   : Add support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
 + + introspection         : Add support for GObject based introspection
 - - ipv6                  : Add support for IP version 6
 - - kerberos              : Add kerberos support
 - - ldap                  : Add LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
 - - test                  : Workaround to pull in packages needed to run with FEATURES=test. Portage-2.1.2
                             handles this internally, so don't set it in make.conf/package.use anymore
 - - vala                  : Enable bindings for dev-lang/vala
 - - weather               : Enable optional weather calendar support

As you can see, the "google" build flag says it not necessary for if one is using GOA but it turns out it is.


John Edward Serink Product Applications Engineer, Advanced Positioning Trimble Navigation Singapore PTE Ltd. 80 Marine Parade Road, Co. Reg. No. 199204958W #22-06 Parkway Parade Singapore 449269 Tel 65-6348-2212 Fax 65-6348-2232 DID 65-6348-2178 HP  65-9129-4250 Skype: johnserink

On Mon, 2017-10-23 at 10:10 +0800, John Edward Serink wrote:
Hi All:

Am using the following version of evolution:
jserinki7 vde # equery list evolution
 * Searching for evolution ...
[IP-] [  ] mail-client/evolution-3.24.5:2.0
jserinki7 vde # equery list evolution-data-server
 * Searching for evolution-data-server ...
[IP-] [  ] gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-3.24.5:0/60

I am on the XFCE4 desktop and and managed to installed the gnome-control-center 
which gives me access to GOA which is how I am doing authentication for my company's

Everything works except access to contacts which for company email is the company address book.
I'm getting this error:
Unable to open address book “Contacts”
This address book cannot be opened.  This either means that an incorrect URI was entered, or the server is unreachable.

Detailed error message: Unable to connect to “Contacts”: Backend factory for source “1480345234.2904.0@jserinki7” and extension “Address Book” cannot be found.

jserinki7 is the name of my host.

GOA is configured to access contacts.

Any tips on how to troubleshoot?


John Edward Serink
Product Applications Engineer,
Advanced Positioning
Trimble Navigation Singapore PTE Ltd.
80 Marine Parade Road,
Co. Reg. No. 199204958W
#22-06 Parkway Parade
Singapore 449269
Tel 65-6348-2212
Fax 65-6348-2232
DID 65-6348-2178
HP  65-9129-4250
Skype: johnserink

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