Re: [Evolution] Yandex Caldav/Carddav

Server side workes fine with Outlook Caldav Synchronizer, DavDroid,
eMClient. Client side needs ti break connectiin after each request.

Sergey Makeev
Le noble russe

Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org> 15 февраля 2017 г. 21:41:06

Quoting Sergey Makeev <burivoy yandex ru>:
Yandex have CalDAV and CardDAV servers and Evolution connects to them.
One can create meetings, appointments, tasks and contacts. But when one
tries to modify an entry within meeting, appointment, task or contact
Evolution returns an error with code 200 (OK) (sic!). Thats for the
first time. For the second time it returns an error with code 409
That sounds like a server-side bug.  HTTP/200 is not an error, per se.

Open CalDAV Synchronizer for MS Outlook available for downloads at had the very same behavior. One was allowed to create a
meeting, appointment, task of contacts but was just unable to edit it
later on. Upon conversation with developers of the project it was
advised by them to fill-in the check-box "break or interrupt connection
after each request". That solved the problem.
Could you please implement similar function of fix communication with
Yandex CalDAV/CardDAV servers once and for ever?
Isn't this a duplicate post?

You need to debug the DAV operation so the transaction can be
observed.  To do so check the Evolution debugging page and run the
evolution-calendar-factory with the environment set to enable CALDAV

WEBDAV_DEBUG=all CALDAV_DEBUG=all evolution-calendar-factory >& logfile

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