Re: [Evolution] IMAP rescanning

I'm not sure about this email, it sounds like a bug report with no real
user question. I'm commenting below.

On Tue, 2017-01-31 at 22:35 +0100, Bo Simonsen via evolution-list
To me it seems a bit overkill to do these operations
everytime you check manually/automatic for mail,...
You are right, there is a room for improvements. Fox example: a) check
for flag changes on old messages only once per some time (ideally only
when the folder changed, which is not always noticeable); b) [related
to a)] do that only when the underlying folder structure is created,
though this breaks real trash/junk folders; c) do not check for old
mail changes on metered networks at all.

A mail server with HIGHESTMODSEQ/RFC4551
may be faster in this respect. I looked at the code and
saw the old approach only did the UID FETCH on folder select,
What folder select do you mean, please? The 'select' word is ambiguous,
because the command sequence you mentioned also contains SELECT. The
Camel code doesn't know about "folder had been selected in the UI", it
only creates and disposes CamelFolder structure when needed and that is
related to b) from above. 


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