Re: [Evolution] Actual day/week in calendar month view in the middle?

On Tue, 2017-08-01 at 10:43 -0700, N B Day wrote:
I'd like a way to have today's date in month view always appear in
the top row.  

right, Michael sent me the screenshot and he's talking about the Today
too. I do not know why I didn't get it the first time, I'm sorry about

I'm afraid there can be multiple usages and as you two suggested, your
preference is elsewhere from the other one. There is currently no way
to achieve either of them. I do not say it's undoable (code speaking),
but it might require more thinking, due to "scroll by week" versus
"scroll by month", not talking about possible smooth scrolling, while
some other applications just show one month as a whole (for example
GNOME Calendar), which is like "scroll by month" in Evolution. I can
even think of "expanded week days in the Month view", which would make
week heights non-homogeneous, showing all the events in the day there,
without those "yellow three dot" thing which switches the view to that
particular day when clicked to. In other words, there is a room for

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