Re: [Evolution] evolution: error while loading shared libraries:

Or he build evolution as well as evolution-data-server, but not in the
correct order. Arch only knows dependencies, but usually not the
required versions of the dependencies, since it's a real rolling
release with a strict policy.

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ grep depend /var/abs/extra/evolution/PKGBUILD 
depends=(gnome-desktop evolution-data-server libcanberra libpst libytnef
makedepends=(intltool itstool docbook-xsl networkmanager bogofilter
  optdepends=('highlight: text highlight plugin'
  depends=("evolution=$pkgver" bogofilter)
  depends=("evolution=$pkgver" spamassassin)
[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ grep depend /var/abs/extra/evolution-data-server/PKGBUILD 
depends=(gnome-online-accounts nss krb5 libgweather libical db libgdata libphonenumber)
makedepends=(intltool gperf gobject-introspection vala gtk-doc boost git gnome-common)

"Michael" described Floyd as "an idiot savant", and added, "Give him
any two numbers, and he can multiply them in his head, just like that."
Homer, testing Floyd, said, "Five times nine", and Floyd instantly
responded "Forty-five", which impressed Homer.

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